P'tit Yeti - English Overview
For the english speaking friends, I have put an english overview of the site online. I do not have the time to translate the entire website, but this way you can at least discover what is on the website. The links on this page point towards pages in dutch, but I hope that you will be able to understand what they are about.
The most interesting for most visitors will be the running section. There, you can find a short description of my running carreer. The subsections are the following:
- Results: of all my races I write a short report. For every race you can find two links: towards the organisor's website (= "wedstrijdinfo") and towards the full results (= "uitslag"). Keep in mind that those links are not updated. Some of them are outdated.
- Running geography: a map with the geographical distribution of my races since 1999.
- Personal Bests: my best times over various distances.
- National records that I was able to beat.
The second section that might be of interest to you is the photo album. I think it is rather straightforward.
For the rest of the website, some knowledge of dutch might be necessary. There is a holiday section, where I tell you something about my holidays since 2000. Often that are cycling trips. Maps with the cycled routes are available. There is also a list of the countries where I cycled.
Next, there is the science section. Yes, I am a mathematician.
Finally there is a guestbook where you can leave some comments. It is in english so you should understand it.
To conclude, I remind you that an overview of my other sites can be found on www.ptityeti.be.
"Dit is een beetje de hel maar dan een hel waarin ik graag vertoef en die ik hier ben komen opzoeken."
- A. Hubert